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Happy 2025 ! Let's start the new year with a vibrant body, an open mind, a flourishing heart and a free spirit

red rose

Tantric Massage Switzerland

A skin-deep dive : sensory, sensual and spiritual

A rejuvenating bath

A sacred time of reunification

A global healing care

An initiation


Relax deeply, open up and reunite with all parts of yourself

Western society (and it is not the only one) has separated body and mind, sexuality and spirituality, man and woman... Consequently, we can observe a whole bunch of difficulties and of misunderstandings at individual and collective levels in relationships, the connexion with the other and with oneself, with desire and non-desire, with power and powerlessness, with lack and abundance...

Receiving a tantric massage is receiving a sacred, containing and reassuring touch in the form of presence, caresses and more sustained gestures in slowness, even extreme slowness, to relax deeply, restore the vital breath, the movement of life and enter into Reality.

It is a passage - a blessing, replenishment and reunification ritual to our humanity, as spiritual, divine and embodied beings here and now.

A powerful step into the Self

Unique, mystic and envigorating

550 CHF

Loyalty - Formulas
*This divine time indicates the entire approximate time devoted to you - first, a preliminary phone introduction, then that of welcoming you and introducing in more depth our practice, that of the tantric ritual including about 2 hours 15 minutes of massage, as well as an integration time and possible sharing at the end. It is advisable to plan some free time to rest afterwards. 

We also offer, if you wish, to take a debriefing time on the phone some time after the session, to allow you to put words and thus become aware of what this experience will have done for you, in you and in the Universe. :)
Prices on request
After a beautiful first experience, you can come back and benefit from a longer term process:

3 hours session
+ 1h preparation and debriefing *

Tantric massage is a door to appeasement, sanitation and overall fulfillment.

Freeing yourself from fears, tensions, taboos...
Guilt, shame, the past...
Dependencies, addictions, apathy, anxiety, depression...

Allowing yourself to vibrate, to change, to sing, to receive...
Anchoring yourself in the present, in your body, the Earth, the Sky and the Living.

Opening up to desire, Presence, passion
To beauty, sensuality, self-esteem and confidence
To intimacy and integrity
To the sacred.

Peace in this world and in one's life comes through Love and self-acceptance.

Receiving love in depth to find it within yourself and giving yourself permission to LIVE, finally!

Daring to love, daring to create, daring to embody the Life Force that inhabits us, embodying our individuality and achieving, together, Unity in Diversity.

Reconciling and celebrating our Humanity.


Tantra means “frame”, “weave”, and “expanding consciousness”. It is a wisdom born more than 7000 years ago in Kashmir, India. We could describe it as a Yoga of the 2nd chakra, the sacred chakra in the Hindu tradition, located under the navel, and in our pelvis. This is where most of our life energy is stored, also called "kundalini" and represented in the form of a serpent which, when it awakens, rises along the spine until it reaches enlightenment or total release in the center of the brain.

This liberation is also ultimate knowledge of unity, of the constituent non-separation of our reality and therefore of our power to create. The 2nd chakra sets the bridge between the 1st chakra, linked to matter, to our earthly existence and to our capacity for materialization, and the higher, more subtle chakras. It is directly connected to the throat chakra, which manifests our ability to express ourselves and make our desires come true.

When this is integrated, energy is concentrated at the Heart level to flow throughout the body, life and the cosmos.


Tantric massage harmonizes the energetic circulation of the body and restores continuity between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Specific points are activated, different pressures are practiced and by becoming more and more deep and subtle, it is the Heart which is touched. You enter into a sacred, mystical and initiatory experience at the center of yourself.

The whole body is integrated, including the sex and genitals, but without focusing on them in order to approach you as a whole. The principle of consent is always respected and nothing is obligatory. Learning to love, accept and value this part of us, living our vital and sexual energy in a healthy and conscious way is essential to savor life in its richness and fullness.

It's about feeling, vibrating and seeing yourself in your reality, as a man, as a woman, as a human and divine being, fundamentally worthy and complete, and finally giving yourself permission to LIVE, and to “leave yourself all-one”!

Tantric massage is traditionally practiced naked, with oil, in order to rediscover the unity of body and mind. However, you can also keep any clothing you want.

This nudity can involve emotional releases, memories, conditioning and beliefs that do not correspond to your fundamental and original freedom. It is thus a practice of unveiling. You are therefore invited to allow yourself to express yourself freely. You may be crossed by pleasure, a loud laugh, tears, screams, sighs... or just an imperceptible breath, like a breeze... The body is left free to move to follow its natural momentum. The practitioner is there to accompany, support and direct the movement of your energy throughout the body, towards the release of the harmonic current of your vital flow and the total integration of your consciousness, at your own pace.

The massage is performed on a mattress on the floor in a peaceful, neat and spacious place. The practitioner is partially dressed.

“Healing is touching with love what was previously touched with fear.”
Stephen Levine
Tantric Massage Switzerland :
Presence, touch and energy for a big YES to LIFE!

Weaving back together all parts of Self
into a harmonious whole.

It also means freeing yourself from any system of thought, confinement, stagnation!

It's finding movement, fluidity, joy.

Holistic Retreats and Mentoring
Initiation, training and supervision of tantric practitioners
For more extensive support and initiation, it is also possible to combine your massage with a process of mentoring, meditation, conscious walking in nature, shamanic breathing to release emotions, and/or games, exercises, rituals and experiences tailor-made according to your needs.

This will allow us to meet deeper, you will receive our insights and teachings and to go further on your path of liberation and integration.

We also offer training, continuing education and supervision time to tantrikas (individuals, couples and groups), therapists and well-being practitioners who wish to discover and deepen the practice of tantric massage and the path of tantra.

The days are structured into 2 sessions of 3 hours in the morning and afternoon, with a 3-hour integration break at midday, generally from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. then from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., or from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. then from 4 p.m. at 7 p.m.
Individual Package *
1 to 2 days 1100 CHF per day
3 to 5 days 990 CHF per day
5 days and + 880 CHF per day
* The price includes accompaniment only. For an all-inclusive service with accommodation and full board, please contact us.
For couples and groups, contact us.

Ethical and professional framework

Wellness and spiritual environments are not spared from abuse. Tantra is often misunderstood and the practice of massage can often be an excuse to slip up. Our society has so lost the sense of touch, it has so denied its origin in LOVE and the bodily, sexual and spiritual reality of women and men, that it sometimes seems to have lost the sense of fraternity and sisterhood.

We are committed to providing you with the necessary keys to ensure an exemplary and secure professional environment.

Logistics, Relationship & Confidentiality

The reservation request is made online via the form at the bottom of the page.

Once accepted, you will be offered a telephone interview, as well as an appointment for the massage which you can validate by paying the amount of the massage by bank transfer, Paypal or cash. There is no refund possible. In the event of force majeure, it may be possible to move the appointment up to 72 hours in advance.

We are committed to respecting, honoring and celebrating your privacy as well as ours, which includes respecting and celebrating what is, the yes and the no, hygiene, needs and boundaries, as well as strict confidentiality of our exchanges.

Take a shower before coming to receive your massage.

There is no "finishing", possible suspicion of prostitution, or relational ambiguity. The practice is enabled by a framed sacred space and the right distance, which implies that the practitioner is not a lover for the client. A friendship can arise and or co-exist with support, but this is not sought. The tantric and/or spiritual mentoring relationship is a “third type” relationship, as said by Daniel Odier, anchored in sharing, transmission, universal and fraternal love.

Communication, Consentement & Réciprocité

We are committed to communicating as clearly as possible about our practice and our support, in both its simplicity and complexity. As every human being has its share of light - the known - and of shadow - the unknown, or the unrecognized - we undertake to communicate as much about our strengths as our limits, and to respect mutual and reciprocal consent in all situation. A discussion prior to the massage allows us to explain you its content and its issues, as well as to identify your needs and possible limits. It is explicitly established that at any time during the massage you can intervene, communicate and remain fully involved and responsible for your experience throughout.

This is valid in both directions and we will not accept any inappropriate gesture, look or word towards the practitioner, that is to say which could go beyond this framework. If in doubt, the practitioner will notify you and remains able to interrupt the process at any time, at her discretion. In this case, the amount of the massage remains due. It is therefore important that you read our ethical and professional framework and commit to explicitly respecting it when booking.

Vision, Posture & Principles

The massage begins with looking, speaking, listening. Everything vibrates, touches, transforms. We are committed to welcoming you and appreciating you in your fundamental freedom, your sovereignty and your original beauty. 

We cultivate a posture of total commitment, dedication and reflexivity in our practice, which involves continuous learning. On this path, humility, devotion, sincerity, integrity and responsibility are cardinal values. 

The axial principle is: do not force anything. ALL gently. This applied in life in general allows access to a level of understanding where encounter and creation take place in love, peace and joy.

Responsibility is also crucial: everyone is responsible for their experience, which implies increasing autonomy and freedom, as creativity unfolds.

Finally, it is essential to leave all intentionality and anchor oneself in non-wanting, letting be, letting go, to abandon oneself to pure presence, welcoming what presents itself in the moment, following and facilitating the free flow of life, for a unique, wonderful and magical experience....

Your host : Célia MARIE

When I was a child, I was close to nature, the sun, the plant world and flowers. I was a dreamer, I invented and acted out scenes and characters... I sang, I danced and I was full of joy. A painful family situation made me more introverted, while I was very turned to others.

After graduating in Political Science, committing to international cooperation in the defense of human rights and participatory democracy, I decided to focus more on myself in order to get out of a fast-paced, under pressure and competitive way of life. I revealed myself through somatotherapy (therapy of the body and mind), then shamanism and tantra, as well as dance, singing, poetry and painting. I then rediscovered my interiority, the invisible and freed myself from a whole bunch of transgenerational frameworks and beliefs which prevented me from fully accessing my joy, my pleasure and my creative power as a woman, and as a free and sovereign being.

From 2016 I have been working as a researcher and consultant-facilitator in collective intelligence, strategy and innovation with business leaders, as well as in ecosystems linked to universities and public authorities in France, China, Scandinavia and Africa. I launched a Foundation for a New Civilization project near Geneva in 2020 and created a training for New Earth Leadership in 2022. I have then developed an inner/outer Re-Union program operating through circles of women and men to free speech, connect to the cycles of nature and transmit keys to personal and collective transformation through expression. artistic, systemic constellations and hypnosis.

In 2024 I have been offering weekly artistic training around improvisation, creation and performance in Sète in the South of France, performing as a dancer, singer and actress and offering intimate and powerful support spaces to Self-revelation in Switzerland/Europe, around the world and online. I find in the practice of tantric massage a way of connection, grounding and gently transmitting human divinity, sacred touch and universal love which is expressed in the meeting between two skins, two universes, two polarities. Both men and women are welcome.

"I received a wonderful tantric massage from Célia. I loved her touch, the fact that she sang during this sharing. Singing is an opening of the heart and brings extraordinary power. Her generosity, her presence and her power are ideal and allowed me to visit and work on archetypes or buried wounds. I received a lot of presence, tenderness, but also strength. I think her massage really offers the keys to so many connections... Real doors to work on the Self. I am grateful that my path has allowed me to meet, receive, share with Célia. Thank you. I will need more time to integrate everything and I am aware of the richness of her touch and her presence."



"A massage full of delicacy and subtlety.
Célia has a warm touch and a fine listening, both bodily and emotionally. Once the framework is established and her permanent attention, it is an inner journey, full of sensations that begins. In slowness and softness, the energy manifests itself and I can feel my whole body vibrating. I touch spaces of fullness and my body sparkles.
A unique, soothing and rejuvenating experience to repeat.
Célia is excellent in her practice, I attest of it in my capacity as a sex therapist, Tao and Tantric massage trainer."


« What an evolution in two years! I received recently my second massage from Célia and it has been another wonderful moment. The massage is deep and powerful and Célia has this superb ability to bring softness and sensuality to it! It's an incredible blend that allows a reconnection to the body and our intimacy while being able to touch certain limits and buried emotions! Thanks again to you Célia 🌟 »


"Célia has opened my heart with her friendly smile and her own open and brilliant heart.
Through the vitalizing as well as calming energy of her hands, I was able to enjoy her fine and harmonizing massage and afterwards I felt like 'newborn' - my energetic perception and my consciousness had changed.
I appreciated Célia's very careful and attentive guidance.
I express my big THANK YOU!"


"Through tantric massage, Célia releases all her power and softness as a Woman, both in touch, in accompaniment and in abandonment to ourselves and to her, which allows us to accept everything that comes with courage and love, both the tears, the questions and the body's reactions.
Thank you so much for this timeless moment."


"A first time for me. I have discovered this universe very recently. Célia listened carefully. I felt a personalized massage following our discussions, delicate, caring, relaxing where the notion of time does not exist, just lightness while feeling the energy in my body. Célia is also very pleasant in her words and gestures and has magical hands. All this reflects the beautiful person she is."


"So, what can I say about this experience alongside Célia... A moment where time stops and well-being gently surrounds us. A truly beautiful encounter, a magical moment, full of different emotions and sensations than other massages that I have already been able to experience. I was able to completely let go and recharge my batteries deeply, but also awaken to another dimension.
Looking forward to seeing each other again, a big thank you."


"3 hours, 3 hours which pass quickly in the end. So during all this time, Célia gave me a great massage. A gentle and slow massage which gives time to (re)discover oneself and let the internal energy spread in the delicate hands of Célia. A global massage, which also reconnects and energizes. Thank you Célia for sharing this, it is to repeat, for sure!”


“Liberation is none other than awareness of one’s true nature.”

Abhinavagupta - Tantraloka


To book your tantric massage, holistic retreat or training in Switzerland, please complete the form below.

All information you provide is confidential.